About the American Student Association of Community Colleges

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ASACC is a national student-governed organization that provides leadership, citizenship and advocacy development opportunities for community college student government leaders. We are the only student association dedicated exclusively to the community college student leaders and strive to provide opportunities for these students to network and share a common voice on national issues.

ASACC is a 501(c) (3) corporation that has a unique structure to provide students training in three areas: leadership, citizenship and advocacy.  Two accomplish its purposes ASACC has a Student Leadership Team comprised of student leaders from each of ASACC’s ten regions.  These students meet three times per year in conjunction with our conferences to discuss and make policy decisions. These board members are selected annually and may serve three years on the Team. We also have a Board of Trustees which oversees corporate responsibility under Utah law (where we are incorporated).

The benefits of ASACC Membership include: Student leader certification through our LEAPS program, discount registration to ASACC’s three annual conferences, regular updates on federal issues concerning community college students, membership for student government advisors in the ASACC Advisors Institute, peer networking with community college student leaders from across the nation, critical information bulletins regarding programs that affect community college students such as Pell Grants, Student Loans, and other federal funding programs.  We also provide leadership opportunities for students who desire to work on a national level.

ASACC has the potential to be the largest student voice in the postsecondary education, because it serves the largest college population.  The possibilities are endless as this organization grows.  The building of our membership will be the building of education’s future.